Sunday, February 22, 2009

~aS if IT is a CurSe...~

I dont know why, it seems that each time I am happy, there would always be something that jeoperdise it. As if I've been cursed, the happiness had never lasted for long. Sekarang ni saya sangat-sangat bahagia and I always smile (I can't tell you why..maybe not now..sorry readers) but I'm so afraid that something, someone or perhaps time would snatch the feelings. Ya ALLAH, rezekikan aku dengan kebahagiaan ini. Namun, sekiranya kebahagiaan ini bukan milikku maka KAU ambillah ia sebelum aku terbiasa dengannya. Ketenangan dan kebahagiaan ini sangat meresahkan. I'm crazy, I know. I'm entering a new chapter in my life. Alhamdulillah. Pen-off.


Ryehanna said...

curious giler aku dibuatnyer!!

NFA said...

happyy? kongsi2.

Anonymous said...

lain macam ajer bunyinyer...
kamu ni tgh dok berchenta ker?

-kakak kamu yang baik-

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